District Convention District Convention 20242024 RegistrationParlimentary Procedures District Convention Annual Meeting 2024: Our new District Board 2024 District Board Photo Credit: Melinda BorisenkoNames L-R Row 1: Kathryn Martin DT, Michel Lent VDM, Jon Vikander DM, Linda Kosvic DS, Karen Swenson ADS, Joan Johnson PhotographerRow 2: Birgitta Roodsari PDM, Auditor3 and GLD, Jana Gasior EBM2 and Membership, Maggie Connelly PDM EB, Beth Bunnell Dist Chaplain, Maidie Karling Dist Master of Ceremonies, Gunlog Spaberg PDM and Trustee3Row 3: Lori Wennbo Auditor2, Kin Lindgren Auditor3, Kenny Lindberg Guard, Norman Kindig Dist Cultural Leader, Cheryl Johnson EBM1, Jason Trowbridge EBM2, Tal Ross Guard, Caisa Haraldsson Dist Master of Ceremonies, Haakan Spaberg PDM and Trustee2. Photo Credit: Melinda Borisenko